How to Create a Successful Software Product
Many tech startups take the "If you build it, they will come" approach to product creation. They spend a lot of time building something that's supposed to solve something they believe to be a big problem, without knowing if customers actually care enough about that problem to sustain a business built around solving it. Here is a alternative approach, which is more likely to result in success (though maybe not in the way you expect). It can be applied to commercial product creation, as well ...
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Scaling Only Matters if You Have Something Worth Scaling
Scaling too early Engineering teams often focus on scaling a product before they have a product worth scaling, or even know if they'll need to scale it. This is called "premature optimization", and it kills projects. Focus on building something that delivers value first, and figuring out how to scale it second. If you don't nail step one, you will never get to step two. This sounds simple, but it's actually very hard due to "performance shaming": "Your app is nice, but you built it with...
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Hello, world!
My first post on listed. Is this thing on? class SyntaxHighlightingTest def some_code puts "How does this look?" end end ...
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